One more project took place this summer in beautiful Grafenbach! From 23rd of July until 1st of August participants came together for this training course to learn how to use gamification and how to facilitate their own programs and design them. The youth workers mobility ˝GamE+s Of Trainers˝ was created in the context of youth […]
Can you live without your phone for a whole week? This question is what brought 35 youngsters from 7 different countries to Greece. As a part of this Group, we arrived in Hopeland on the 10th of October 2021. Hopeland is a magical place in the middle of nowhere on the peninsula Peloponnese.Between olive trees […]
From 10th to 18th August young people from Bulgaria, Austria, Spain, Italy and Poland came together in Carinthia to explore and develop their skills and raise them to the next level. This youth exchange was all about future skills and how to understand and improve them. Skills Up! was a project that addressed the increasing […]
Between 1st and 9th July we had another youth exchange taking place in beautiful Grafenbach/Carinthia. The participants came from Austria, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia and Poland. During the projects the participants learnt about what it means to be a European Union citizen. They tried to become more aware of their rights and obligations. They developed an […]
During the Covid-19 pandemic, many of our group members used their time in quarantine, to work on old and new skills. One area of skills that was prominent with young people around us was music. We wanted to spread joy through music, instead of spreading the virus. Since learning new instrument is challenging on your […]